Amazing Frying Pan
Hi there,I came back from the US, and a friend of mine had an amazing frying pan.
Found it on
check this youtube of the frying pan
YouTube - neoflam
Link for the ebay add
Neoflam Non Stick Ecolon Coating Frying Pan 28cm on eBay (end time 17-Sep-09 18:35:30 BST)
does what it shows on the add...
unbielivable Is it any good at cooking Spam?
 i really can't undestand why you consider it as spam
i am posting a nice frying pan that i have recently bought, i think it is a good purchase...
nothing spam at all
if you don't like this just dont buy it...
if people will make a use at it great, if not also good..
thanks I can see why it might be considered spam - it was your first post in any part of AVforums.
However, since your profile indicates that you joined on June 26th 2009, I am inclined to believe that it is not spam in this case.
This illustrates the drawback to lurking without posting.
Chris Muriel, Manchester One thing I've found with all the frying pans I've ever bought, is that after a few uses and washes, the amazing non-stick abilities disappear fairly sharpish! Hi,
When I lived in The US, there were dozens of those infuriating infomercials selling saucepans & frying pans which all pretty much promised and showed the same thing - reality was always very different though!
Suave! Hi guys,
I've been a chef for over 20 years and pans are a bit like tools. If you buy cheap ones they won't last too long. But it really depends on usage though if you have very light usage on moderate heat even a cheap pan will last for many years but if you've got a big family and it gets used once perhaps twice a day then it's not going to last especially once it's scratched.
My advice is to buy accordingly and just look after it. Try not to wash it if you can just wipe it out with a clean cloth. Sanitise it if you want but it's not needed as and surface bacteria will be killed the next time it goes on the heat! NEVER use abrasive soloutions or scourers on your lovely pan. Hi there
I have put this specific frying pan, because it is a green one.
The non stick cover is toxic free.
I had it for around 3 months and wash it straight after use and the non stick surface still works as when it was brand new.
The interesting thing about it, is that the non stick surface is not teflon which is really not good for human use- search on the net there are loads of articles about it.
Hope you will enjoy it, the same way as I am enjoying it. Rather then being posted in Bargains, wouldn't this be better off in Home Appliances?