t72bogie Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:59

about £100 a week for 2 of us inc all household stuff and alcohol, no cigs though as we dont smoke

thats doing a big monthly shop at Waitrose on-line and weekly top up for fresh stuff from M&S

...I dont go near food shopping ...not my job, as long as theres nice stuff to eat in the cupboard I dont care ....think I last went in a supermarket in the late 1990s LOL 

riprse Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:00

I'd say we are about the same as you. We have a 17 & an 18 yr old but if we add on other peoples kids that always seem to be eating at our house then our   food bill is around £ 140.

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:00

I like Waitrose but I'd like to see someone buy fresh fruit & veg in Waitrose or even Sainsburys at the same price it is in Tescos. A green bean is a green bean

Miyazaki Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:00

We shop at waitrose and get our veg delivered from abel and cole.

In total I suppose we spend about £120 on food and drink for the two of us and two dogs! 

stainless-steel Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:00

Around £70 for one @ Asda, exc any alcohol, and I aim to leave the fridge empty the day before I go shopping again, I hate to waste food! I didn't think that was too bad, I like fresh fish (Sardines, Mackerel etc) which isn't too expensive and don't eat a lot of red meat. Maybe I need to start to economise a bit?

kevcampbell Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:00

for me and my girlfriend we usually spend about £30 - £35 each about every fortnight in iceland, we usually sometimes top up between fortnights though in tesco and iceland

acid007 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:00

One of neighbours smokes about 60 PLAYERS a day between them, they cost £6.10 for 20. That makes it £18.30 a day!, £128.10 a week!! and a staggering £6661.20 a year !!! 

FYI they are both retired!

I'm glad i dont smoke. 

I can see a new thread coming here........maybe

Dextur Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:01

Which infact would actually cost them about £10,000 pa before tax...

Out of their tiny minds..

Iancity Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:01

This is an interesting thread - we (myself, the wife, an 18yr old and twin 11 yr olds) spend about £150 a week, then add another £20 for fresh stuff during the week - we seriously need to cut back but nobody likes the same food and we tend to have 5 different meals a night !


t72bogie Publish time 26-11-2019 05:55:01

yes, scary indeed, it only came to mind as im an ex-smoker of 20 a day for 20 years ...luckily for me, for the past 10 years Ive been travelling a lot on business and feeding my habit duty free....but it still dosent bear thinking about

I gave up 18 months ago and have never looked back since...no wonder im not toooo bothered if the food bill fluctuates £20 a week for some luxuries, when I used to smoke it away 
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