swanny78 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:29

Pinenuts - Food from hell

WARNING to everyone.  I cooked Sunday dinner last weekend and thought I'd glam the carrots up by baking them in the oven and drizzling with Honey and crushed pinenuts.Tasted good ...it's worth a go.

Anyway since Monday night everything I eat leaves a real horrible bitter after taste in my mouth (Like when chewing Tums when you have indigestion).Anyway this has been happening all week so I thought I'd google it....panic!

Woah!!  Apprently its a known side effect of some batches of pine nuts.I didn't know that, infact its never happened before.So think twice about having pine nuts, I'm told the effects can go on for 1-2 days to 1-2 weeks...God I hope it goes soon.

stainless-steel Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:30

Strange one that isn't it? I suffered the same reaction earlier in the year when I bought a pack of Pine nuts from Asda to have as my mid-morning snack at work. The next day, nasty bitter aftertaste when I ate or drank or brushed my teeth.
I was about to book a check up with my dentist when I stumbled on several threads describing the same symptoms - bingo!

It seems that it may be linked to Chinese nuts, hopefuly it's the species rather than any nasty chemicals they're treated with. I've eaten plenty before with no after effect, I've not bought any since though. Shame, as I like cooking with them.

The taste does go away, it faded for me inside a week.

whatsupdoc Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:31

I used to buy sackfulls of Pine Nuts in the 70s - but that was for my aviary parrots!The birds loved them and, at that time they came from Russia.

swanny78 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:32

yes kind of freaked me out.I was close to booking a doctors\dentist appointment myself until I googled the symptoms.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:32

did it make your tongue go a bit itchy and weird too? - sunflower and pumpkin seeds have that effect on me

swanny78 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:33

no, just a really horrible bitter aftertaste after everything I ate.Its starting to gonow thank god.

fizzi Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:33

Sure you're not allergic?

Itching inside the mouth is a sign of allergy.

Foebane72 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:33

More nuts that cause problems, not unlike peanuts.

Maybe all nuts should be BANNED?

ROBIN50N Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:33

yes foebane. yes they should

BISHI Publish time 26-11-2019 05:54:33

Not Brazil nuts !!! They are the best source of celinium and apparently there is no celinium in British soil so most of us are celinium deficient.
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