easy spanish food?
Im in change of arranging nibbles for the Group H matches (Spain, Switzerland, Honduras & Chile )for me and my mates! so i want to do some Spanish Tapas, can anyone suggest easy to do ones?or better still ones i can buy from a leading supermarket that are nice?Already got some beer sorted.
Mark Patatas bravas, calamari, torilla, chorizo, manchego, ciabatta (I don't think it's Spanish, but it's nice to have some bread) with sundried tomatoes....... More here but I think I covered most of the easy stuff already. Except for Spanish Chicken but that doesn't really qualify as nibbles. Omlete - Make it yourself  Oh cheese burger and chips - Benidorm stylee  Just give them loads of beer! who eats during football  Definitely. Cold tortilla is the king of omelettes.
If you're going to serve chorizo I'd recommend buying either whole mini chorizo or buy a length of chorizo (not the pre-sliced sandwich filler which is bloody rank). Fry it whole (if mini or in chunks if larger), cut it into bite sized chunks and serve them in a bowl with any juices that leaked from the sausage when cooking. If it's good chorizo then you'll want to mop up that artery clogging goodness with some bread. Nom! Buy some frozen potato croquettes, cook them at least four hours before the match, get them to (hot) room temperature and leave them in a little plate attracting flies.
Eh voila- Tapas  Also try putting them in an oven dish and put red wine over it.Cook until hot and all the lovely fat from the sausage is in the wine.Eat chorizo and mop up wine juice with crusty bread
Shaz  that's what I was driving at but I forgot about the wine.