Burnt food in microwave stunk
Just heated up some BBQ bread in combination microwave, for about 3 mins and kitchen full of smoke, house stinks, definietly not just burnt food smell as coughing and spluttering throwing it outside. Microwave is stained white to yellow. Used a plate that has cracked, and plate has tar like substance.What on earth has happened?  Why the foul stench? Still can smell it in th e house several hours later. May have to throw microwave out if it lingers inside (will open and see if wiring is burnt) Didnt have metal in it or on it, even some "paints" that are used to decorate plates contain metals. Nope, no metal.
Used combination mode. might just be a short somewhere yeah not sure will use it again, still under warranty.
From aldi. when you put it on press the button then run away or put it on outside just incase something goes really wrong Combination mode turns on a grill as well as the microwave - if you put something plastic/otherwise inappropriate in, it will melt/burn it. You should only use the combination mode when trying to cook something, not heating. No plastic.
Fine for pies, microwave to heat inside, grill to make pastry crispy, just microwave and pies go soggy. Where did you buy the appliance from? 