scaryspider2 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:06
Yes the docs say I have this too and I have the meds to help. Deffo watch what you eat I'd recommend. I have a fairly healthy diet but still have to watch out for certain things which set it off when I indulge! Peanut (m&m's!), bacon and eggs, citrus things, cucumber or fats like takeaway pizza are the worst things. A food diary might help as it is sometimes quite a few hours later before I start suffering? Good luckobrother Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:07
I was diagnosed with one (40mm, I think, via endoscopy) about 18 months ago.I was getting bad reflux waking me up at night several times a week and certain foods were a no-no, like tomatoes, cranberry juice, cakes, fresh pasta.I was put on Omeprazole, but I've found that since losing weight (about 20lbs since diagnosis) the symptoms have gone, I can't really feel it any more (it used to feel a bit like trapped wind at times just below my sternum), I can eat what I like and have only taken 1 tablet in the last 6 months.I'll just add that the weight loss has been the result of doing vastly more exercise (from practically nothing to cycling c. 600 miles/month) rather than anything more sinister .So, my advice is to lose some weight, if you can!