Christmas food way past Christmas
Every year my wife says the same thing 'I'm not buying so much this year'Yeah right,she just gave me a tub of mini crackers that she had bought at Christmas 
There's stilla big plastic container full of different biscuits,nuts and sweets.The way this is going i'll still be eating it next Christmas.
Is this just my wife or do you have crazy ones too?  We have a naughty cupboard that is still full of Christmas food 'I'm hardly buying anything this year' yes, right love.....
Still I did manage to sneak out a pack of Big D Dry Roasted nuts the other night.... Sweet!
Al I found an old Christmas pudding in the cupboard which went out of date April 2008.
I had some of it for pudding Monday night, and the rest fried for breakfast with eggy crumpets.  When I was growing up my Dad owned a grocers shop and he must have over ordered the Christmas puds one year because we had one after every Sunday dinner for almost a whole year afterwards.