Weights and cardio days ?
Hi guys I have just joined the gym yesterday and will start today, my question is how do you guys split cardio and weights?Do you do 1 day cardio and the next day weights or do you split the session into 25 min cardio and then weights,
I would say I can lift heavy weights as that's all I've been doing for the last year as I have been useing my wife's studio which had free weights Weights first with a bit of cardio tagged on to the end  So I do all the weights first (legs,arms etc) and jump on the treadmill,exercise bike and rowing machine for about 20 mins (cardio)
3 times a week ? What are your goals? If you are just starting I would recommend starting strength or strong lifts to begin with. Well I just started my 1st session yesterday,I wouldn't say I'm a novice as I have been doing free weights at my wife's studio for the past year but I need to sort out a little cardio for my stomach and toning I will probably do 1 day weights and the next day cardio 3 times a week for each,as I began with my weights and didn't have time to do 20 mins of cardio plus I was knackered lol
My goal is to enhance the muscles I already have:
Flatter stomach and a toned body Make sure you build some rest days into your program as well since your body will need time to recover.
Also, if you want a flatter stomach etc. then make sure you do not neglect your diet either. This does not mean doing anything too extreme but if you can cut out a little of the junk while maintaining the exercise then it will really pay dividends. This can just be cutting out biscuits and replacing with fruit etc. or just checking you portion sizes are correct.
On the cardio front, why go to the gym to run on the spot on a treadmill? Just go out and have a run from the house or straight after work etc. Much more efficient on time, far more interesting and I feel it is better for you as well. Cardio wise I definitely would of stepped out of my front door and jogged but as I have suffered from kidney stones in the past I tend to stay away from jogging etc,
So how many rest days should you have if your doing weights 1 day and cardio the other day ? You would want at least one rest day a week I would say.
What is the difference between a treatmill and jogging outside with kidney stones? Is there a link between jogging and them? Or is it just heavy exercise which would be the same for cardio in the gym as well. Well it's my first cardio day tomorrow in the gym,family have joined as well so should be good,if I tend to bulk up muscle wise how long should cardio day last ? 30 to 40 mins or longer If you want to tone your stomach I would do some body core work, cardio alone won't do it.