Achilles Tendon Rupture
Managed to rupture my achilles playing 5 a-side on last week.Genuinely thought someone had kicked through back of my leg.Couldn't walk, managed to drive home (mainly in 3rd gear).
Got back to parents.Said I needed to go to hospital because I thought I had broken my leg.
Doesn't look like they will operate. In a boot with wedges.
Anyone else done this?How long did it take to recover, any advice? Wife ruptured hers and had op and was back playing Hockey/Tennis 6 months later . Yeah, doc says 3-6 months, but reading up, it's more likely going to be 6.
Crutches are a pain, can't drive, eating breakfast in the kitchen because I can't carry it! Not a lot of fun.
Ahh well back to see consultant monday, then probably back to work one way or the other Tuesday! Wife broke her ankle just after xmas and still off work , was in plaster 13 weeks and off crutches 2 weeks ago , she is having physio every week and has just joined a gym .
She reckons its taking longer than normal due to being same area where she did the achilles 34 yrs ago .
Best wishes with the recovery . Haha, not back to work tomorrow, ultrasound showed a 3.5cm gap, fully ruptured, they are operating tomorrow (or at least by end of the week, lists depending).
Signed off for 6 weeks Ive recently been recovering from *insert long physio word* that i cant pronounce tendon damage on all 3 on my right ankle, ive been doing alot of resistance band training but also this ankle brace really helped me with the recovery Aircast A60 Ankle Brace - Ankle Supports & Braces - Supports & Braces - Hope it all works out for you. Had a physic appointment come through, 30th of June, feels like a lifetime away.
Have a shiny new (to me) specialized s-work fsr just dying to be ridden  Well the legs healing ok, scar isn't as bad as I thought it would be and strangely it's not in the direction I thought it would be (horizontal not vertical).
Back in a boot for 6 weeks, then physio.
Not going to be back not the bike for a while 