Actual weight loss results.
I can't understand weight loss and the mechanics of it, so hoping someone can explain?In the last 5 weeks I've been on a mixture of protein meals and fruit shakes.Literally 1 main meal a day with 2x 1litre shakes made of fruits (bananas/berries/nuts/pears/apples), all mixed with coconut water.Also no alcohol, no coke, no sweets/chocolate.And all snacks have been those crackers with nuts etx
This week I've walked at a high pace 10.2 miles and burned over 5k in calories.
Having weighed myself two weeks ago I weighed 89.2kgs.Today I weighed 89.4kgs.
It states I've added more fat and lost muscle?.
Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm about to head off oh for the night, if you can share what your average daily food & calorie intake is, along with height/weight etc there's enough knowledge on here to help. Personally I'd recommend getting a decent nutritionist to write you a plan and explain the basics so you understand. The basics are less in than you use = weight loss. Are you sure you are consuming less than your maintenance every day? I would start by doing a food diary for the week and make sure your not getting excess calories you didn't realise. Also my fitness pal is a handy little tool to track your calories Fruit can contain a lot of calories so you may be having more than you think. On the flip side if you do not eat enough then this can cause issues with slowing metabolism etc. as well.
But as said above, if you eat less than you use then over time you will loose weight. I eat all sorts of rubbish and will gain a stone or so over the winter months when my training levels drop but as soon as I start back towards the end of winter the weight soon drops off and that is without changing my diet much. So doing more does work. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't go on the scales, go by how you feel! I normally have a smoothie for breakfast that contains a banana, 200ml milk, flaxseed and protein powder which doesn't look like much but when you add up the calories:
1 large banana = 120
200ml semi skimmed milk = 100
30g flaxseed = 170
30g protein powder = 110
That's a total of 500 calories which if you added another couple of pieces of fruit could be up to 700. It depends on how far you want to go into it, but you basically need to work out your maintenance, which is the amount of calories your body burns daily based on the level of activity you do, here's a good tool to work this out --> IIFYM Calculator
Then to lose weight you need to consume less than this daily in foods, you're basically looking for low calories meals which also fill you up, high protein too if you're wanting to maintain as much muscle as you can.
Just as comparison, I've been on a cut for 2 months now.I started at around 12st 7lbs, I'm now 11st 11lbs with barely any muscle loss, my aim was 1lb a week weight loss based on a caloric deficit of around 500 calories per day.My 'maintenance' was 2500kcal based on 4 days per week heavy weights training, so my goal is to eat 2000kcals per day.
In terms of your diet, fruit, although good for you, can be quite calorie heavy and also carb heavy too.It's not what you eat, it's how much of it you eat, I rarely eat fruit, usually a banana per day is good enough for me which alone is 90kcals.
It depends how deep you want to go into it, the basics is eat less calories than your body uses.But you can go into much much more details such as calorie counting, macros (x amount of protein, carbs and good fats) and what-not.
EDIT - also - nuts are calorie dense, I would avoid if losing weight, they are very good for building muscle due to the high calorie content and good fats but they should be eaten rarely on weight loss if I'm honest. Some great advise on here already so I don't have much to add, just to confirm really what has already been said.
I don't pay any attention to what I weigh...
I used to do a lot of weight training (in my youth) and weighed more than 7-8kg than I do now (currently 105kg), but with very little fat. According to all the calculators both back then and certainly today I'm morbidly obese!
I'm certainly carrying a little excess weight these days but far from about to drop dead, at least I hope not.
Keep this image in mind:
Go by how your clothes feel and you feel in yourself rather than what the scales say.
Use My Fitness Pal for a few months to check calorie intake and macros. I found it a great source of help to cut out things you think are good for you, but actually contain loads of calories. Certain yogurts and granola were a shock for me and as others have said fruit contains a load of "natural" sugars which can be high in calories and you may be shocked to find out that your morning "healthy" smoothie contains 1000 calories, probably half your daily allowance if you are trying to lose some weight!
Don't be tempted to cheat it either. It's a pain to weigh out things to start with, but once you get a feel for what a portion looks like you don't have to weigh every all the time. You may also be surprised what a portion size should be, that used to be one of my issues. It's a common myth that muscle weighs more than fat. It's the size of the two that creates the difference when it comes to weight.