Foebane72 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:44:53

Previously, nonumb mentioned this:

Surströmming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wikipedia article mentions that the Japanese think a freshly-opened tin of the stuff is the worst smell in the world.

Not surprising, as the fish ferments, and I would imagine that it's not unlike a game bird like a pheasant hanging for a few weeks for the flavour to develop.

Apparently, the Japanese don't like the smell of rotting (or fermenting or maturing) foodstuffs. They'd rather be rid of it.

That's another lesson that the Shogun TV series taught me. 

qwerty321 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:44:54

Which is true but just the sound of what goes into it. I reckon I'd be the same if it was any other animal.

tvbox Publish time 26-11-2019 05:44:54

Went to McD's and saw on the cup that they have a "Starburst"milkshake. Seriously? I dread to taste such concoction. I don't even like the sweets that much, but a tooty fruity milkshake? Bleurgh!

Chox1988 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:44:54

never been to shakeaway? Cant speak for the mcd's ones but the shakeaways sweets milkshakes are delicious

SanPedro Publish time 26-11-2019 05:44:54

There's not a lot of stuff I won't eat. Tried snails and the flavour of the one's they do in Spain is really quite delish... has a spicy cumin flavour. But i just can't eat them.

I've no problem with most seafood though... steamed mussels in garlic and wine... mmmmmm.

But I tried deep fried sea anemone the other day. And that was not altogether pleasant. Slimy texture and tasted mainly of sea and grit. Only tried the one and won't be going back.

Sweetbreads are a bit like liver and taste great, again done with garlic, olive oil and cumin. They're often made from the pancreas as well.

Some faddy eaters on this forum though... ;-)
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