Food nightmares
After reading the Snails thread, I thought about my food nightmare- something that you simply will not eat, however hungry or however much you may get paid for the proposition.I'd like it if you came up with existing edible food and drinks please, but of course go as exotic as you like.
Mine would be
Snails with the shell with durian with durian juice, Followed by durian ice cream with a stodgy airline meal bread roll.
All while watching either: A soap of any sort, 'Strictly' Come Dancing, Ant and dec, the X factor, Masterchef or a documentary about snails or durians. A true nightmare. ******** aka sweetmeats/sweetbreads Salad Sheeps eyes..
Boke Assuming that the asterisked word was testicles - that's not sweetbreads as that is a the nicer word for thymus gland mcdonalds.The smell from the place is enough to make me gag.
And from a recent thread.Calfs intestines  At infants school they used to cook the parsnips in lard. Just the smell of them used to make me sick. One of the old school dinner ladies used to force me to eat them, and if I was sick she used to make me eat the chunks that I had bought back up.
I soon learnt to hide those bloody things in my pockets and throw them away in the playground. Tripe. Marmite Cereal Bars.
I like Marmite and I like cereal bars, but somehow this combination just doesn't work. I think it's because they made something sweet and salty at the same time.