Monty Burns Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:26

P90X and Activity Tracking

Hi guys,

first, sorry if this is in the wrong section but this is about a fitness watch rather than a Moto 360 or similar.

OK - so as you might have gathered, i'm currently doing P90 and i'm two weeks in to it and LOVING it.For the first time in my life, i'm not boooooored doing;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Currently, I'm using a Polar Loop and Polar Heart Rate monitor.These are working well but, not quite doing what I would like.For example, although the HRM is waterproof, it only communicates with the Loop when I'm swimming when I actually stop and, even then it only updates the pulse *at that moment* and not the record of the previous laps.... is this correct?I would have hoped that the HRM would buffer a few minutes swimming record and then sync the entire swim.

So, I think it's about time I upgrade from the loop to something a little more "watch" like.I would like to know if there is a watch (are they limited to just Polar?) that:

works with the Polar HRMrecords heart rate for the duration of swimming and not just the pulse at the time I stop and synchas it's own heart rate monitor and does ad-hoc testing as part of resting/chilling out monitoringdoes activity tracking/sleep trackingAlso, my friend has a Garmin and this handles being on motorcycle MUCH better than my loop. Example, if I get on my motorcycle with 1 step, by the time i've gone a mile it will have recorded over a 1000 steps - i think this is due to the vibration.His Garmin reports a LOT less.

Am i dreaming with these requirements or does such a watch exist?

Thank you!!!
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