Lancia34 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:21

Btw - good tip that they do in Thailand if the red curry is too hot (and the authentic red curry is very hot) - just add some sugar - takes away the hotness without affecting the taste 

I love red, green and yellow curry and have had them authentic in Thailand and I have to say the ones I've made at home with the paste and the ones I've had in good Thai restaurants over here all taste as good as it does over there.

Though my favourite is "Tiger Cry Beef" - absolutely phenomenal taste - might be one of the nicest dishes in the world!  - think it's also called Tiger Tears Beef. My local Thai does it and it's amazing.

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:22

"Weeping Tiger" around my way

weetsie Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:23

try and find some thai basil, its nothing like normal basil and practically a staple herb in thai food and makes the best omelettes. grows well in the uk too if you have a garden, the cuttings you buy also root if you put them in water.

you might also like thai sticky rice, it requires soaking for a day then steaming but its well worth it. at home there is always some on the go, just stick it in a sandwich bag and microwave it to warm it up and its great to eat just on its own.

as said red/green curry paste makes for great quick curries all you need is a stock of canned coconut milk and curry paste then you just need to add veg and meat and you can make a curry ready to eat in 5-10 minutes. if you want to make something a bit more special you could look up massaman, its not too dificult but takes a few hours to make, well worth it though.

if you're ever see golden mountain seasoning sauce i recommend you pick a bottle up, its basically soya sauce but tastes loads nicer. i have seen many thai kitchens but never one that doesnt have this sauce in it.

and also a spun steel wok is a great investment, they generally only cost £5 or so and make life much easier.

Peoplefund Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:24


Brett is trying to start a business in the UK selling his grandma's recipe of Thai Curry Pastes.

Please help by buying his pastes on here for the next week and help him start his business.

SkilledNutter Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:25

Thai Thara in Newport. Amazing food. I have never been to Thailand but this food is sold as authentic. Yes acceptable authentic, so no bugs.

richardb70 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:26

I have yet to find a decent UK version but green papaya salad with sticky rice was one of my favourites during my backpacking days. Quite spicy and best served with a beer.

The night markets in Chiang Mai sold fantastic mango slices with sticky rice and coconut sauce, yum.

vader100 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:27

Thai food is so easy to prepare and cook. As it involves a lot of veg it is healthy as well. There are a fair few books out there, get one that has the basics in and you'll be away in no time.

Iccz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:43:28

Jungle Curry - enough said. Mmmm.
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