elsmandino Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:53

Advice for new cross trainer


I am looking to buy a new cross trainer to try and get back in shape.

I did buy a really cheap one from Decathlon years ago but it was a bit nasty and not very good - though I did use it quite a bit until it broke.

I want to spend up to £400.00 max and preferably want one that it is mains powered and has programmable settings.

Can anyone offer any advice/recommendations?

Thanks v much.

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:54

In all seriousness, don't bother they are a waste of time. Fat loss will primarily come through your diet and cross training is no better than walking/jogging which costs nothing.

njdbaxter Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:55

people in the gym tend to use cross trainers due to the high amount of calories the machine shows being used up, which is way off, and is the worst machine for estimating calories.the machine does most of the work for you just through momentum

stoomc Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:55

I know there's nothing worse than looking for recommendations for something and people tell you something completely different... however, I agree. Especially as you're looking to spend quite a bit of money.

I know it doesnt sound like the best toy in the world, but I think the best thing to buy for fitness (for everyone to be honest!) is a pedometer, and work your way up to 10,000 steps.

10,000 steps is around 5 miles and 1 mile = 100 calories (average).
Do that every day and you hit 500 calories every day!
Granted, if you walk a pace of 3mph it is going to take 1 hour 40 mins, but I find it a great motivator to keep you off your bum as well and find that if you do it daily it's going to burn MUCH more than doing 3 weekly sessions of 30 mins running, x-trainer etc. (for example)

I personally run 3 x a week, weights 2 x a week and 10,000 I try and go for every day, and feel that I cover all grounds.

Of course though, diet in place first, followed by exercise and you will soon realise that there is absolutely no need to be spending anywhere near that kind of money on cardio! 

Good luck!
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