Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:40
and don't forget when doing a particular rep range (i.e. 5x5, or 3x12 etc) - you need the correct weight for that rep range so you can do it with the correct form, but doing the correct rep range means you're unable to do a further rep and not that you simply stop at that given number (i.e. 5x5 - you're unable to do a 6th rep, and not simply stop after you do 5 reps...)
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:40
Some science on muscle building:
A Scientific Approach to Muscle Hypertrophy Training | FLEX Online
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:40
Joined the gym yesterday, first session was this morning.
Not great as I had an appointment at 8am, for 2 hrs. It was fir an induction and a session with a PT to sort me something to start off doing.
I was there from 8am till 10am, he didn't show up.....grrr!
After 45mins of waiting I just cracked on anyway.
I only used the treAdmill today though, easing myself in slowly.
Walked 5k.
My upper thigh into pelvis now hurts on my left side. Bloody hell
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:40
well done for not leaving dude, seriously consider joining another gym though. You're paying the pt good money and unless a close relative died unexpectedly the least they could've done is drop you a text. There is nothing worse that a flaky pt, especially when you're starting out and actually need them.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:41
They gave me a call apologising and Saud they would look into it and call me back before 6pm yesterday...... Still waiting for that.
Luckily this didn't cost me extra, it was part of joining etc.
The gym is one of those open 24/7 and is only manned in the core hours which suites me with work etc so I'll stick with it for now.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:42:41
Been at getting healthy for a little over a year now.
Lost over 7 stone and have muscular definition coming along nicely now.
Fitness level good too. I walk loads, run, box and lift weights.
Feel great and look loads better.
Still have work to do but I can see the end target in sight.
Well worth doing. Thanks to the folks from here who gave me advice too 