Bicep Muscles.
What's the best way to build them? Work the back hard, biceps grow for free. Barbell rows, pull ups, lat pulls all done with full range of motion, no cheating/swinging and slow negatives. Deadlift, squat, chins and everything @Wardy257 said above. If you're bigger and stronger all round then you'll find your arms will be too. Join my 5x5 thread... this...OP...please don't be one of those guys that does nothing but biceps 
you need a solid base before doing specific bicep exercises... and we're talking at least a year...
there used to be a guy who came into the gym - and always with a mate who he'd be showing how he did it.. .and all I ever saw him do was bicep curls with weights too heavy for him and dips...he had no muscle anywhere else...  And if you want big arms focus more on triceps. Dips I find are great for triceps and add good shoulder size to. 早点