100 push up challenge
Just wondered if anyone else here had done this or was thinking of starting it.I've downloaded an up called 100 pushups which gives me the amount of reps, sets and rest in seconds, each day and I'm slowly improving. I'm on week 3 of what should be a 6 week program in which you should be able to perform 100 push ups consecutively at the end of 6 weeks training. after that try the 30 day, 1000 push up, 5000 squat challenge I've done this several years ago, it does work though depending on your starting level it may take more than six weeks. You are supposed to repeat a week if you aren't able to get to the end of the routines, and only then move on to the next one. It's a great challenge. yeah, I did this some years ago and while I wasn't able to do 100 in one go - it gave me a good foundation...
I'm doing the 5x5 routine now - but befroe that, part of my chest routine (for about 5 months?) was to do cable flyes (16 and 19kg) doing 4x8 at 3 different heights (thus, 12x8) - and each set I'd superset with 10 pressups... tho, the highest amount I did was 117... but that's the kind of level I reached...  I thought "how hard can 100 push ups be, I'm pretty fit" I managed 59 and was pooped! Years ago I managed 90but I used to do a lot of pressups in my training back then anyway.My max now is 39 which I am shocked at which is why I'm gonna stick with it. used to be able to pop out 100, that was when i didnt even go to the gym.
started by doing say 20, then 30 secs rest then another 20, rest 2 minutes, then repeat for total of 300.Upped it to 30, then 40, then 50.after that 100 straight wasnt too difficult.
only back lifting weights last month due to shoulder subluxation and leave press ups till the end of a workout, finding 4 sets of 20 with 30 secs rest is extremely hard I wanted to do this but my elbows click like a fudgeer when I do press ups. It's really off putting. does this occur at all angles..? - ideally you'd want to be doing them around 45 degrees to your body or closer to your body... Yeah pretty much unfortunately. 