Buying fresh food online
I don't think you can beat personal recommendations.Here's what I need:
I'm looking for a good online supplier for aged beef.
ie. Hung for at least 21 days after slaughter before butchering for consumer cuts.
I like the beef to have a good provenance.
ie. What breed of cattle and who farmed it.
I like it to be tasty and tender and of very high quality.
Oh, and hopefully reasonably priced too. 
Here's what I'll recommend to you in return:
As a 'swap in advance' for the beef info, I'll tell you from where I buy my very excellent fresh fish. I'm extremely personally enthusiastic about this supplier and will gain absolutely no personal benefit from recommending him to you.
The fish monger is called Adam Hendrikson and his business is called 'Brixham Seafood'. He is an eBay 'top rated seller' and my wife and I absolutely love opening his polystyrene boxes and smelling the 'smell of the fresh sea' from within. all of the contents are neatly pre-packed and sitting amongst ice packs. No smell of fish whatsoever because it is all of it so very fresh! Amazing! And high quality, too!
£9 is the single delivery charge for as much or as little as you like. He buys his stuff fresh every day from the Brixham Fish Market as it's brought in that morning by the day boats. Here's what he has to say:
SHELLFISH, FRESH FISH. items in BRIXHAM SEAFOOD store on eBay! Don't want to take this too far off topic, but my preference is rib-eye steak.
It is currently £20 a kilo for the 'taste no difference' range in Sainsbury's.
The M&S equivalent is nearer £30, so a proper bargain.
Get my black pepper sauce from M&S though when they are discounted. Have a few in the freezer as we speak.
Hope someone can provide a link for online stuff though. Meat London | Steak Online | Steak Delivery
my go to place for anything meat related - they were previously the east london steak company. They do specials every now and again that have 60 day aged.
All of the meat when delivered come with a little card saying which farm it came from, breed of cow, date of slaughter, farmer etc.... You have to ring him but I have used him and his meat and gluten free products are fantastic. Really nice fella and again I will not gain from recommending him. Who do you mean SteveC? Now that looks good ! I bought from them just before Christmas and their beef short ribs were awesome... Edited ha, I forgot the link // I can recommend here:
Not 100% sure of the on line thing as they were only a couple of miles from where I lived. Site indicates you can contact them about requirements so may be worth a go. Used to pop in as it was on the way to and from the kids school but the beef is absolutely fantastic. Theres links to other sites on there as well.
Now I live on the coast near where I grew up and get seafood (fish and live crabs and lobsters) direct off the boats as they come in. Used to go out at all hours with a couple of old mates who had lobster boats and also went line fishing. Quite enjoy meeting the boats as they come in to see what they have - damn cheaper than going to the markets. Its a win/win situation all around. Lads on the boats make more than from selling to the market and I can still buy it cheaper.
The mrs does get a bit miffed with a bucket of drowning crabs out on the patio though (especially if the livelier ones manage to get out, and they used to wind the dog up no end) but doesn't seem to mind after I've cooked and dressed them. I've some friends that swear by these lot...
Organic Meat | Buy Organic Meat, Organic Produce | Graig Farm Organics
...probably worth a look.