Can anyone recommend a good set? A bar like this:Olympic Chrome Straight Barbell 7ft 7' Foot 86" Weight Lifting Bar Collars
These tri grip weights are alright. Loads of people sell them on eBay. I shopped around and bought different weight denominations from different sellers as I got them a bit cheaper that way. You'll need at least 1 set of 20s (I got 3) 10s, 5s, 2.5s, 1.25s and I also bought a set of fractional plates to give me 1, 0.5 and 0.25.
Cast Iron Tri Grip Weight Plates 2 x 20kg in Rubber Cover fit 2" Olympic Bars
Fractional Olympic Weight Plate Set -NEW - powerlifting
Then a tree to put them on.
MIRAFIT 2" Olympic Weight Plate Storage Rack 7 Post Gym Disc Stand/Tree/Holder
And of course a bench and squat rack. I won't link those as there are loads on eBay, different prices. Depends how much room you have. The big power racks are great but take up a lot of room. have a look on gumtree for something local to you (as they're normally pickup only) - you don;t need to pay a lot for them...