I was diagnosed with pneumonia last Saturday and have spent a week off work resting and taking medication. Now a week on I feel better but still drained and out of breath, also got a sore back as of today. Wondering if anyone else has went through this and how long to get back to normal, Google suggests a few weeks.Just started a new job so not feeling great being off but don't want to rush back and be useless too  I've had it two years in a row at the start of November, Both times it took me to about Jan before I felt like myself again. took about a mouth till I wasn't out of breath going up stairs.
Last year I tried to go back to work after a week off, had full coughing fit half way up the stairs and sit down on the stairs to rest.
Take it easy. I had it 2 yrs ago and had 4 nights in hospital with it. Then had a further 2 weeks off work with another 3 weeks of reduced hours. Had it in August and was not back training until October. Took until Xmas to get fitness back. Thanks guys. Think I am over the fever and aches stage but still out of breath and not feeling myself. Still on antibiotics and taking it easy. Hopefully doesn't go on too long LISTEN TO YOUR BODY !! When the time is right you will know ,
its a long road back ,good luck .