mattthetall77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:18

That is a bit of a squeeze, the rack with pulley is 2160, leaves 2cm >.<Is that before laminate and rubber mat?Width wise rules that rack out I suppose 

I guess there's a risk with any of the suppliers of log cabins judging from reading threads.How much comeback is there if paid on card and there is an issue?

edit: would the centre also cause issues with the position and potential head room for the treadmill?

leeince Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:19

That's without the matting and laminate!!

I don't think it matters what I do I'm going to have problems.

The guy at dunster did say I can go with 3.5m by 4.5m cabin because the 15 sq m restriction for planning is based on the internal area not external, this still won't be high enough with matting and laminate, unless I get my chippie to nick a bit of the purlings that are in the way but still keep the building sound!

I think I just need to pick a cabin I like and then buy my equipment around it and then if I need to modify it in any without weakening the structure I can.

what are your thoughts on a 3.5m by 4.5m??

leeince Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:20

I think this might work:

Bodycraft F430 Power Rack System, Bench and Lat - Low Pulley plus 200lb Stack and dip station at Powerhouse Fitness

mattthetall77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:21

Looks a bit sturdier, a quick look on has a few people reviewing it and saying it's built like a tank.

I can't see a height with the lat attachment though.The weight stack is nice and quick, I'd check if the bars on the lat attachment are olympic ones, can't really tell in the picture, would be good if so as you can use plates to add more weight. Ah just found mention on the bodycraft site, "Add 2 Olympic Adapters for F431", so could be possible to get them over here, hopefully.

It's good to know about the 15 sq m being internal, didn't realise that.3.5 x 4.5 still sounds a good amount of space 

leeince Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:22

I'm going to bell them for the measurement with the lat attachment and ask about the adapters.

Dunster have places in Kent and Bedford that you can visit and look at some built units, only about an hours drive so I will pop down to one of them before I buy.

There's also a powerhouse fittness store near Chessington that might be worth a visit, it's probably going to cost around £5-£6k to build and kit out so probably worth putting the miles in and having a proper look at everything.

RMGEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:23

Hi @leeince

I know it's been a while so I don't know if you've already purchased some kit but I have the Bodymax CF475 without the pulldown attachment that I'm thinking of selling.

I also have a 7ft olympic bar plus 80kg or so in plates and the dip bar attachments for the rack.

I live in Worcestershire so you'd have to collect.

Let me know if you're interested and we can discuss further.


leeince Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:24

Hi Mate,

I haven't bought any kit yet, I just had the base finished, should be ordering my cabin this week.

I think that rack is going to be to tall now with the purlings, I'm going to see what fits once built. If anything changes I will let you know.


RMGEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:35:25

No problem, I may list it in the classifieds in the next week or so to see if I get any interest there.


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