How quickly does the body adapt?
Hello.I spent around 18 months weight training and made some half decent progress but one thing lead to another and I stopped training for around a year!
Around October last year I joined a gym and did mainly cardio to try and shed a few pound.
Since January I've been back on the weights following a program of...
Rest Day
Rest Day
I'm 99% sure muscle memory has given me a nice boost along the way and I've put on some size again fairly quickly although put a little bit of weight back on too!! Enjoying doing the weights and adding a little bit of cardio in to the mix to keep the fitness up and weight gain down!!
Anyway, I've waffled on a little...
I've just done 3 weeks of low weight/high rep training really concentrating on performing every exercise 100% and doing 15 reps of each exercise. Now I've not really done this type of training before and usually just lift at 80% ish for 8/10 reps and keep trying to lift heavier. I have to say I'm loving the high reps, get a good sweat on and after 10 reps the last 5 give a brilliant pump and the next few days I can really feel it, but in a good way!
I plan to change to heavy weights/low reps to try and shake things up so the body doesn't get used to just doing high reps/low weight.
How long should I do each rep range for? Weekly, couple of weeks/months etc?
Thanks for any help/advice.
Mark 4-6 weeks then have a deload week 