blue max
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:03
Thanks IG, I never knew that!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:04
What I meant was that I usually finish the loaf before the mould becomes visible, but then I don't exactly finish each loaf the same number of days. But it's always finished or mouldy a good few days after the sell-by date.
Also, it's only if I see a single small speck of green on a whole slice, which I then pick off a whole piece of bread that it sits on. Any more than that and I just call it a loss and bin it, and by average it's maybe 3-5 slices left.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:04
If there's any mould cut it off and carry on
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:05
Depends what it is, something like chicken I won't go near if it seems a bit gone, chicken that starts to go is just wrong. Others things I've eaten a year out of date as I think sometimes they just put it on to cover them selfs but certain things just don't really go off for years.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:06
During my poorest times, (back when I was on the dole and selling stuff like playstation and surfboard to pay the rent), I saved up and bought a big tub of 20 chicken breasts.
What wasn't so smart was leaving them in the kitchen and forgetting about them while I was at my brother's house for the weekend.
They were sealed, but still smelling pretty funky when I found them. I was so gutted. I'd be gutted now, but in those days it was massive because I was so skint.
Checked them in the freezer and ate them anyway. Didn't care at that point. 
Didn't kill me.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:07
BBC News - How safe is mouldy food to eat?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:08
I ate a M&S BLT Sandwich that was 4 days past it's date yesterday.Tasted fine, did not contract Ebola.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:09
that takes 48 hours before sympthoms occur... 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:34:10