markgodley Publish time 26-11-2019 05:33:30

Food - KJ/kcal and Kcal differences?

I'm currently reducing my calorie intake and wondering if someone can explain the difference between KJ/Kcal and Kcal.

Food labels seem to have 2 i.e. a sandwich i got earlier was:
Energy (kJ/kcal) - 1282
Energy (kcal) - 305

I assume the calories is the lower value of 305 (i hope so anyway!).

So what's the difference?

Inferno Publish time 26-11-2019 05:33:31

You want to use Kcal (Kcal or just calories), 1 kcal is 4.2 Kj (kilojules).

Average for a man is 2200-2500 Kcal or cal or 9240-10500 kj daily , expend more than you take in and lose weight, burn less then you take in and gain weight.

EDIT : just a little info for you, your body will use approx 1200 Kcal in 24 hrs just running itself that's if you do nothing, move about a fair bit around your home and you will use approx another 400-600 Kcal, whats that 1600-1800, run 2 miles and use another 400 making 2000-2200 so that will use all if consuming you consume 2200 kcal, eat more do more, don't do anything then you use approx 1600 kcal, so just adjust appropriately .

nheather Publish time 26-11-2019 05:33:32

I think the first number is kJ but is labelled oddly (kJ/kcal makes no sense)

The two values are not quite equal either, but close enough.

305 kcal = 1276 kJ


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