First thing you ate in the New Year
Not so much the handful of doritos at 01:05am but the first thing during the day.Made myself a 3 egg omelette with onion, smoked paprika, Cornish crunch and a little sea salt and cracked pepper.
For those suffering please post tomorrow haha Toast and egg
Need some more beer though 
She is definitely a keeper, a perfect bacon butty on Burgen with a kick-ass coffee; eating this in bed as I type. Absolutely nothing yet only rum and coke from last night and now budweiser, :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 i will be shortly having a turkey sandwich.  Nothing to eat yet, but I am not hungover as only had one glass of Baileys and that's all last night, as ever at Christmas we have loads of nice food in but I just don't fancy any of it  About to make starter Lobster thermidor. Lamb is in the slow cooker with cranberries and Port and will be served with roasted veg at about 6pm. Nothing yet though will be having a full english in about half an hour Cold sausage roll and mayo sandwich at 3 am 
But just made a cracking fry up this morning The crispy cooked skin off the top of my roast chicken, marinating as we speak. A crunchie