michellen303 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:56

Healthy snacks

I regularly experience appetite loss which means I can't bring myself to eat a full meal. I'm trying to stay healthy even when I go through these periods, so can anyone recommend small things to nibble on that aren't really bad for you? The typical snack I go for when I'm struggling is ready salted crisps (because they're dry & tasteless).

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:57

I tend to eat salted peanuts. They're actually quite good for you in moderation. It feels reasonably healthy, so it can't be too bad.

Oh and Nairn's rough oatcakes. A little bit like cardboard, but they do satisfy a craving and don't do too much damage unless you load them with cheese or something.

Really try to avoid sugar I think.

Blitzkrieg Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:58

Here's a good one. Get a banana, some peanut butter, almond nuts, vanilla or chocolate protein, 8-10 inch tortilla and maple syrup or honey.

Mash the banana and weigh in bowl until it makes a think gloopy mess. spread peanut butter over the tortilla, then spread the gloopy mess over the peanut butter. Chuck on the almonds and either maple syrup or honey, then roll the tortilla.


Edit: Ah sorry, I didn't read your small and nibbley part

alchemystical Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:58

Go swing by your local weigh shop/ethnic mart and grab:

Pistachos, cashews, almonds, walnuts and raisins

Then dump them all in a big jar and grab a handful when you feel peckish. The dried fruit is essential to help metabolize the nuts and the combination in textures is wonderful plus they are packed with protein and really good for you.

Another thing I can highly recommend is making a tray baked granola and cutting it up into bit sizes pieces, I also make my own protein bars (zillion recipes online).

As for increasing appetite look into methylcobalamin vitamin b12 (Jarrow formulas do a 5000mcg sublingual thats ace) and break the pill in half, sticking half under your tongue 20 minutes before feeding. Also look into gargling as it stimulates the vagus nerve which in turn helps with appetite.

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:58

Plain/lightly salted rice cake with sugar free peanut butter

Blitzkrieg Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:58

Plain old pop corn is a good, healthy, nibbley snack

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:58

My first thought is you should treat the cause of your loss of appetite, especially as you describe it as regular.
However this could be physical, emotional or psychological. Could even be something like drinking too much coffee or even to much water. Could maybe even be treated by the right tools of exercise. For me, strength training (high weight, low reps) fires my metabolism into overdrive but cardio she it down.

Healthy snacks are a good idea, but that is only treating the symptom so will never deal with the problem that causes the symptom.

But for snacks... When I get sugar cravings or feel like my sugar level is dropping (not sure that's a real thing but most people understand what it means) then I try to stick to a piece of fruit. Or maybe chocolate coated rice cakes... Mmmmmmm sugar coated carbs, yummy!

Nuts and seeds are great, but can be high in bad fats, as well as good fats, protein and carbs so sick to 1-2 handfuls, maybe twice a day.

We make a home made graze box
A big jar files with bran flakes,peanuts and raisins, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.

This gets decanted into a small pot and equals a couple of handfuls.

After dinner in the evening around 8.30pm we might have a yogurt snack.
2-3 table spoons of Greek yogurt with a typing of bran flakes and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds and salted peanuts..

Hope this helps

BigStu1972 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:30:59

Giant Cadburys Buttons are great with a cup of tea.
Oh wait you said healthy 
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