Help me please. I'm overweight and need some pointers.
Hi, I'm 5"10 and weight 106kg.I've decided to get fit, I'm struggling with idea's and diet.
Point I'm making, I have no and I mean no exercise, no stamina nothing.
I'm a type 2 diabetic and need help fast to turn my life around.
I work as a driving instructor so I'm always on my arse.
I have an elliptical cross trainer, by tunturi which does hills etc.
I need help with both diet and exercise and something I can do at home. I'm 6 foot and 100kg, I lost 8kg in the last 8 weeks.
Download myfitnesspal and log everything you eat.
A porridge sachet for breakfast, a ham salad for lunch and a low fat 400 calorie meal for your dinner.
That'll put you around 1000 calories a day.
Combine that with 10,000 steps a day, and the weight will literally fall off you, trust me. I don't do ham, any alternatives? This is a joke right?
I'm not going to start giving you ham alternatives.
And, don't mention it, I typed out a lengthy response to help you out, no need to thank me or anything.
You're on your own chubster The weather is getting better, get out and walk. I try to do 3 to 4 miles a day, it helps that I have a dog that needs walking anyway. ham alternatives - tuna, turkey, chicken i don't think it matters,eat less walk more I am not going to report my weight, suffice to say I'm in the "morbidly obese" category.
There is no magic formula. There is no magic wand. The equation is ridiculously simply. Calories in must be less than calories out. Eat less, do more exercise.
For food, avoid anything processed (ready meals especially) but be especially careful with things like ham (as it's been mentioned) as almost every single sliced ham has sugar added (dextrose mostly) and it all adds up. Make the effort to make everything with fresh ingredients. It's nicer tasting, you don't add/have hidden sugar or salt and you can control the portion size easily. Make sure you have a broadly balanced diet. Avoid things like pasties and pies, pizza, takeaways etc. they are all bad. Experiement with making simple food using ingredients you like. There are 1000's for free on the internet. But it takes effort - as I said theres no magic or easy way to do it.
For exercise start with walking and build it up. So you can only do 50 meters this week. Next week you can do 60. Week after you can do 100. Build up slowly. Even simple things like parking at the furthest point away from a supermarket entrance instead of near the door all add up. Like animals? Get yourself a dog and force yourself to walk it twice a day. Join a gym and pay for a personal trainer who will motivate you. The Gym only costs about £17 a month if you're worried about gym costs.
To re-iterate it's not easy. Theres no easy route and theres no "only" way to do it. You need to have massive self discipline and just find out what works for you because it's only you that can do it.
Good luck
G Bang on right brother! Very helpful , has it occurred to you that some people can't eat pork for religious reasons (not necessarily the case here, but it was a rather crass remark.)
PS: since when were 5 lines a lengthy response? 1st March, still carrying the knee injury from being knocked off my bike I was 107kg.
Current weight as of yesterday using a BodiTrax machine I am 96.3 kg.
I count my calories for one, which I think is a massive thing to help lose weight, but still drink beers most nights . This is done with an iOS app MyFitnessPal, which also links to my garmin connect account.
I basically smashed heck out of the wattbike at the gym and started very light treadmill running as I can not take road impact running outside.Still do cycle outside though.One day off sometimes two.
Love swimming, always have and generally swim twice per week around 1.5-2 miles each time.
Treadmill run Wednesday 10k in 49mins & did 13.1 miles ( half marathon ) last night in 1hr 40.
It may take you a little longer, but it's possible.It really depends on much effort you are willing to put in.
I almost fell over on the treadmill when I got off it!!
All that said, I was fit before the accident so may have been a bit quicker for me.