Cheers and good health
Twas a bit of a suprise seeing this pop up . Cheers to the site and Mods for giving us our own lil place on AVForums.Now where is the Beer lovers thread . I'll drink* to that 
* and eat Who would have thunk it! Three cheers for us! Great idea... and 2 great moderators.  Wine lovers thread?
A friend recommended this wine to me recently. I bought two bottles of it. Nice and smooth. Inexpensive too at less than 10.00 a bottle.
Apothic Red Winemaker's Blend: ABC Fine Wine & Spirits
Any recommendations on inexpensive good wines? Don't forget this is a UK site, there will be little or no crossover. I'm surprised this can't be bought there?
I'm under the general impression that most things can be had there same as here. Maybe through a different supply chain. In fact I would think it might be interesting to a few to find out about new things.
Pardon me, I'm a little bit unaware of what is and what isn't over there. This is part of the fun in being here for me. It's very educational...and who knows? I might make a friend or two. Well that's me put in my place  It's available in all my local supermarkets  £9 a bottle though  No sweat IronGiant. I'm not a frequent drinker. I like this one for that occasional half glass mild wine buzz. Tastes good;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7