Daft as it sounds, knowing what I now do, I'm more content
I'm 55 in few weeks.I have kidney issues, renal problems, and recently after undergoing tests for my failing heart..... We were told.. No more stents!Absolutely no heart bypass.... And by Thursday I should be on some kind of inhaler to take even I get out of breath.I have lost 35lbs in the last 3 months and I Generally feel crack all the time.After many years and bucket lots of pills, operations and 3 heart ops...... To be finally told by cardio that this is as far as they go without major risks..... It's somewhat reassuring!I know that sounds daft but I feel more at ease than I have done since the 1990s.
And the icing on the cake, we'll sort of, still got renal......... It's no more hospitals and stupid car park changes!!
Just thought I'd share that. Life is odd
Ice Good for you matey, I've had a similar epiphany in the past.
Due to a spinal deformation when i as a kid i was told I would be in a wheelchair by the time i was 10 years old.
Every year i was told of this impending doom coming to me. My solution was to try to stay fit and healthy and to ignore the doctor's.
Fast forward to when i was 38 years old, my back had rapidly deteriorated and was in a bad way.
Went to doctor's, hospital, x-rays and MRI.
Of all the things i was told, including about a procedure that could alleviate a lot of the pain so i could get mobile again, what relieved me the most was being told how bad it was but that it couldn't get much worse now because the entire lumbar section had fused!
My missus said it was twisted logic but then she has never been scared of not being able to stand, walk and being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life in constant heavy pain... You know what OP, you sound like you're in a good place in your head, that's all that matters in life. If you're happy, then you're doing it right in my book. Hi OP,
I am happy for you as mentally, you seem to be in a good & strong place - just stay as positive as you can enjoy your life fully.
I am a little of the opposite at the moment (so might sound a bit hypocritical) as like you, I have a multiple issues but life is odd as you say - I am finding that the more pain I am in, when I see others improving or doing better, rather than be envious as I was in the beginning, I find myself now, naturally & genuinely happy for them!