Is There That Big Of A Difference In Mountain and Hybrid?
I thought of taking up cycling again and noticed there 3 main types of bike. Road, Hybrid and Mountain.The use I be looking for would be, on the road about half a mile and then onto tracks like at the side of the canal.
I don't want to pay that much as I be only using it probably a couple of times a week say for 45 min.
I was tending towards a mountain bike as I can get one with all round suspension which I prefer a I have problems with my spine. On the other hand I been told there heavier and see the wheels are thicker, and well I'm getting on a bit albeit not old father;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
So wondering how noticeable would the difference between a hybrids and mountain bike and which would be the best for me in your opinion.
As for a road bike the state of the potholes round here you need a hovercraft not to feel;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Thanks Garrett A hybrid would be fine for you. A full suspension would be too much and cost a lot for anything decent. Also look at CX bikes as they would also suit your usage and be quicker on the road. I looked at CX bikes which are higher than the limit I was setting.
I was looking at this one which seems Fabulous
(I did like the specs of it before watching the video)
Funny the Carrera Crossfire 3when I looked seems an older bike(at least some reviews for it go back to 2014 and this video is late 2015.