sergiup Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:55
It's being secretly pumped through the fridge  Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:56
ItS a no win situation I have found , I get a bollocking when I vent gases . I get a slap when I say I'm just trying to recirculate them gases .bones` Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:56
Had the same dilemma after moving into a 4 yr old house. The fitted 60cm smeg hood was filtered and whilst I couldn't determine when the filters were changed I suspect they are easily neglected. Either way it did a poor job of removing odours from a large kitchen diner and there was residue on the ceiling from the vents. Last house I went to great lengths to vent a new Bosch hood so wasn't really phased by this which was really just a case of borrowing an SDS drill although I did have to buy the hole saw kit from screwfix. An exploratory dig into the plasterboard had revealed the gas pipe right where you would naturally vent, shocking really from the house buildersand meant the vent was offset from centre but just covered by the chimney section. Anyhow an hour's work and the hood was vented externally and it makes a massive difference, the filters alone must act as a restriction and the way it clears the steam and smells is much more efficient.brianashley123 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:56
Vent all the time. And try if possible NEVER to use the flexi Plastic .Pay more and get the ribbed metal stuff of do it metal rigid. Much safer .I have actually seen a "Super mega "Expensive kitchen where the owner wanted one of these "pop up"extractors . to buy and fit cost a fortune. It never ever works ! The steam etc goes straight past it .sergiup Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:56
There's no real way it could work, unless you have a huge amount of airflow, which could actually blow out your gas flame... Silly idea.brianashley123 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:56
But the lady thought it was cool, and the husband paid for it to keep her happy !