Do you forage for food .
Going to show my age here as when I was a lil boy we always went out and picked the treats in season. Mushrooms for example, blackberry or Raspberry bushes. Even Damsons or Plums.Maybe a lil scrumping of apples and pears from the local farm .This still a thing , or days long gone ? Or has it moved on to a new level of picking . I once found a jar of dolmio pasta sauce at the back of the cupboard #winning I, at 46, Still collect blackberries. Also raspberries when I can find them. had some nice fruit salads and crumbles with them
I wouldn't scrum. I wouldn't be able to move quick enough to get away My teenage kids are both excellent foragers. They recently foraged their bodyweight in snacks from the "secret" stash, a box of 12 donuts and a 4 pack of cider - all in the space of about 8 minutes...
Around here, elderflowers and berries are foraged on an industrial scale for the local fruit drink maker. Blackberries are also a major cash crop for a few weeks on the autumn. Blackberries and apples. Mushrooms in the woods Sloe berries for Sloe Gin.
If you don't, then you should.  We have blackberries, apples and pears growing in the garden and we sometimes pick sloes for gin. Local Council chopped down our closet Sloe tree patch, need to find a new one. To their credit, they chopped it down at harvesting time, so the pickings were easy that year. Blackberries from the cycle path near our home mixed with apples from the garden for crumbles pretty much every Sunday from August until October.