Best place for meat boxes?
Looking to order a meat box online - nothing too specific, just something that has chops and steaks in it really.There's a lot of choice so I just some input before I make a decision!
Can anyone recommend anywhere? Some of the people from the Health and Fitness Forum use Muscle Food and I know several of them have a referral code that gives you extra meat in your first? order. @Charlts and @reiteration spring to mind (apologies to others I haven't listed). MuscleFood | Premium Lean Meats & Sports Nutritionthey also sell supplements. yep, we always stock up from musclefood... and here is my referral code..
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cheers, IG  Nice, I've looked at MuscleFood before but I order mine from Graig Farm Organics.
This was the last meat box I got and it's huge, really great value for money. Thanks for the recommendations guys, I'll take a look at these 