Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:41


Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:41

I just a use vit, a joint supplement glucosamine and a omega 3 supplement.

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:41

I use a healthy diet. Meat (normally chicken, someone lean mince etc) and plenty of vegetables and some pasta, or sweet potato or potato for dinner, although a lot of the meals are just meat and veg.
Breakfast is overnight soaked oats with chai seeds, milled flaxseed, sunflower seeds and some museli added at the time of eating. A banana to follow.
Lunch is normally tuna or chicken salad with a pasta or something like that.
Greek yogurt style yogurt in the evening when I'm not at work for extra protein.

I think people have the wrong approach to suppliments, they are meant to suppliment your diet, they don't give you health or super powers. Whey protein is if you need extra protein to build or maintain a higher muscle mass and you can't get it by eating proper food. It's quicker and easier to drink a protein shake than it is to cook up some chicken breasts.

At the moment, I'm under 20% body fat, losing more and building muscle and getting stronger by doing what I'm doing.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:41

Only one I take now is vitamin D, rest comes from a good diet.
Vit D is a common deficiency in the northern hemisphere for those working indoors in the winter months so from what I've read it's helpful to supplement it.

original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:41

vit d & omega 3

Brad Schoenfeld, PhD (@BradSchoenfeld) | Twitter this is my go to guy for information

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:42

I don't think danny is coming back... I think he intended to come back saying he's found somewhere to buy, but forgot.

Showoff Publish time 26-11-2019 05:20:42

My guess is he’s leaving it a realistic 2 months, before coming back to say he purchased abc from xyz, lost 20kg of fat, and gained 20kg of lean muscle and now has 8% body fat! 
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