Pull up bar recommendations
I'm looking to include a pull up bar at home to my overall routine. What do you guys recommend?The options i see are;
Door frame pull up bar
Pull up bar fixed to a external wall
complete pull up /dip station.
Are the door frame bars stable? Do they cause damage or leave marks?
I could fix a pull up bar outside, which would give me the height i need (I'm 6"4'), could be tricky in the winter months and i would need the wife to agree... Blimey, no one use pull up bars? Yes, but it's attached to my rack .
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If you have the space I'd go for free standing, but it sounds like you dont Have you got a strong tree? Buy some gymnasts ring and ratchet strap... Can get for about 20 quid on amazon, just need a strong branch to attach them to... No trees in the garden, but i think outdoor equipment is a non starter in this country. The rain and constant damp will shorten the life of any pull up/ Dip frame.
Besides, i workout before work around 5.30am - not sure my motivation will stretch to winter mornings!
So that leaves the doorframe option which im still researching... ah right - no worries... as I had them in my garage as it had a nice strong beem that I was able to put them over...  I use the courage option. Has hand positions for narrow grip, wide grip, neutral grip. Plus I hang a band off it for lat work and tricep work and ab crunches. I've got the Pull up Mate and it's quite handy as you can fold it up and put it away when it's not in use. It comes pre-assembled and all you have to do it open it out and prop it on a doorway and use it. I went for a SportsPlus Door gym in the end. Does the job, decided to use the fixing brackets for extra security. I just didn't trust I wouldn't end up flat on my back without.
Being 6'4' I cant actually stand under the bar, so I'm on my knees! Not perfect, but it will do for now until I can convince the wife the kids needs a new 'play area', with integrated pull up and dip bar.