Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:48
I put a decent sized bit of ribeye in a 200° oven for 4 mins, then a screaming hot cast iron skillet for about 1.5/2mins either side, and then rest for 4-5mins on a hot plate under loose foil. Comes out medium rare every time, always warm enough in the middle and not chewy.
The only other way I do steak is the "afterburner" style, directly over a raging hot chimney starter. That one is truly amazing.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:48
Well yup we are convinced , steak turned out very nice indeed and then some . From my first attempt I would say go sparingly on other ingredients such as marinades and any seasoning . Using the sous vide really does enhance all flavours so overpowering ones will come through .
Any way here was my plate of food, also made a nice red wine jus to go with .
Up next will be a fillet of pork . Going to lightly season this and then make a Bourbon glaze to fast fry it .Not my recipe but in the book that came with .
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:48
Your going to need a bigger boa.........Plate 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:18:48
Last day of my holiday n such . Go out with a bang . Twas tasty though .