Specialist Tea Drinkers
I have used a few specialist tea websites in the past.I don't have a good Local Tea Shop near to me.I am curious what teas people are drinking, which websites people are using and even which LTS's people are lucky enough to be able to use.
Currently I'm looking to buy some loose tea I can drink, without any additives, like milk/sugar etc.
I've tried a few specialist teas, but at the moment I fancy trying some Pu-erh at a decent price. Well my order has arrived.
500g of 1st grade, 2009 vintage Loose Pu-Erh tea, posted direct from China, via The Dragon Tea House.
Not going to try it just yet, but really looking forward to having a cup or two 
link I'm on with some Keemun Hao Ya B at the moment, quite sweet and mellow so very nice with no milk/sweetener etc. It's surprisingly aromatic for a black tea, I often find them a bit 'meh'.
My coffee roaster does a dozen or so speciality teas but he doesn't have them on his website for some reason, I'll get his arse kicked when I see him at the weekend.  First brew.
Without milk, it’s a deep flavour, with no bitterness like normal tea.A sweet, earth flavour.Exactly what I was expecting and a lovely change from normal, milky, bitter tea.
https://www.avforums.com/attachments/img_1519827664-098479-jpg.985741/ Sounds similar, except I think this one has an earthy taste imparted from the dried out mould. What kind of water are you brewing with @Synchro ?
If you're using plain tap water then go grab yourself a big bottle of volvic and give that a go, you won't look back.  Welsh water for me, which has always tasted nice, but I might give that a go to compare.