Over 40 martial artists / HIIT /Crossfit junkies
Just wondering if there are any over 40s still doing martial arts etc? I see so few of around at the momentHow often do you train? 2 HIIT sessions, 1 weights session and 2 martial arts classes a week
What is your recovery strategy? Extra magnesium and vitamin D, dedicated mobility / stretch session and watch the diet a lot more I don't train any more, although I still think about karate every day.
Had a 10 year break from karate due to shift work, moving away, starting a family. Tried to go back to it but between my curved spine, 3 herniated discs and not stretching for 10 years, I've lost all my speed and flexibility and the hips are seized. I tried going back to it at all new place, after a couple of months they awarded me my 1st Dan again but had to give it up after a couple of years because of the hips. An hour's karate meant I couldn't walk properly for 2 days.
Do gym now and can manage the weights and skipping HIIT for skipping and running etc.
Can't stop myself from trying to "help" the kids with their karate... Oh man, ouch. I am trying to keep at it for as long as possible, work/family aside. Keep at it brother, don't let even one excuse allow you to miss a session. Make it so much easier to excuse out of the next one then the next one etc..
I still miss it so much but not being able to do what I used to is really upsetting! Did kickboxing for 10 years, stopped 3 years ago due to too many other commitments ( work and family ) so gave it up, regretted for ages, but have since found running and.
Stopped when I was 44 and at the time was training 5 nights a week for 1.5 to 2 hours per night , that said my bosses used to frown at the black eyes  Hi, I'm 47 and exercise 4 times a week...
typical routine -
1 hours kettlebell class with a mixture of running, kettlebell (upto 24kg now), and body weigh exercises
gym (push) - 36kg dumbbell benchpress, cable flyes, cable side raises, rear delt raises, 80 kettlebell presses @ 20kg in 5 minutes (5 each arm then keep swapping arms), various tricep exercises (normally with cables etc), thefinish off with 10x8 proper burpees
gym (pull) - deadlifts (upto 130kg), rows, pullups / lat pulldowns, 10 x 10 24kg kettlebell swings alternating with 5 cleans per arm, then some bicep work
gym (legs) - 20 bodyweight squats, legpress's, 5x20 lunges with 20kg kettlebell, 10x10 box jumps (on a normal height weight bench), then a bit of cardio - currently skipping 4-500.
 Overachiever... ha, I wish..  I'm 45 and do Brazillian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) 4 times a week and when I'm not doing BJJ I'm in the Gym.
Currently my training looks like this
Monday Lunch Gym
Monday evening BJJ 2 hours
Tuesday Lunch BJJ 1 hour
Wednesday Lunch Gym
Thursday Lunch BJJ 1 hour
Friday Lunch BJJ 1 hour.
Every other week I drop a Lunchtime BJJ session and do an extra Gym session.
I have weekends off to recover 
I ache a lot, especially as each class ends with around 30 minutes of full on sparring. All I take are protein shakes and Magnesium but eat reasonably healthily.
Before I took up BJJ I did Judo for many years and before that Kung Fu and Karate. I've been doing some form of martial arts for the best part of 36 years. I actually stopped BJJ in my 30s because I found the required training eating into too much of my personal time . If you guys are interested, there are dedicated facebook groups for over 40s BJJ, martial arts and Fitness (3 groups). Some very inspirational stories there