Multivitamin recommendation
My immune system needs help. I've been taking vitamin D3 for a few weeks now, because of severe lack of sunshine here in Scotland, but that clearly is not enough. I'm looking to buy a very good set of multivitamin. I can pay more if needed. Please recommend me something good. No Pfeizer and Centrum please I can no longer swallow solid food following throat cancer so my diet is now liquid to a great extent and in fact have 4 of these a day. I get them on prescription as I don't think they are cheap but they do give you everything you need.Fortisip Drinks | Nutridrinks
I too am in Scotland so feel your pain when it comes to the lack of sunshine. Thank you. They are indeed expensive. We are talking about £90 per month, when just taking one per day. When I said I can pay more, I wasn't expecting that much more  Sadly, I need to find something cheaper than that
To a Mod: thank you for moving it to somewhere noone will see. Could you move it back to General Chat, please? I’d go and see a nutritionist. Some vitamins can’t be absorbed on their own through tablet form. I’ve also found Holland and Barrett sell the cheapest, hardest to absorb version of most vitamins, so explore other options if using them. I recently used cytoplan after seeing a nutritionist. Not cheap but should actually work. Thanks Kyle. It would be great to know how you get on with the progress  I’ve been taking l-glutamine for a couple of months. I didn’t actually have anything to compare to but it didnt list a load of nasty ingredients from the cheaper ones. animal pak and orange triad have always done me well. Few days ago I have went out and bought Actimel and drink one every morning. I know they are full of sugar and other not so good stuff, but I was desperate I'll finish them first If you want a decent multivitamin table, Centrum is good. Not from what I've read. It is the one to avoid