What’s for tea tonight/tomorrow?
This is the most controversial question in our home and the one that leads to more arguments than just about anything else. Not that it’s a question that provokes arguments about the answer, it’s that there is a severe lack of answers.Ok, the cooking is down to me and I enjoy it, so no problem there. There’s me, the wife and 17 yr old daughter and we do like to eat at the dinner table together most nights. A rough estimate to percentages of cooking duties is me 95%, daughter 4%, and wifey is 1%. Between the 3 of us there is just about nothing we won’t eat apart from hardly any form of ready meal or prepaparred stuff. I always like to know what’s for tea for the next day because stuff needs defrosting/preparing/buying.
When I ask the dreaded question,”what do you want to eat tomorrow night?” All I get from wifey is what have we got? Or I haven’t eaten tonight’s meal yet. Which is bloody infuriating as she knows exactly what we’ve got and our daughter is like, I’ll eat anything. Ok I’ll rephrase the question do you fancy anything? All I get is blank faces. A lot of times I don’t give them the chance, no that doesn’t sound right. Basically I just decide what’s for tea, but that does get very annoying.Honestly I will cook nearly anything I’m asked because I’m finished work by 2pm most days so I do get the time but arggghhhh.
Anyone else have the same issues(yeah I know real world problem isn’t it) and what’s your situation and any ideas how this problem can be eleviated. Put a board up with options on fornext nights meal majority vote rules. Or put your feet up for a week let the women cook realize how much goes into it and give you a easier time of it. There's five of us, so either I decide or I'll ask one other and call that a majority decision   I cook for 4 of us on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday evening. Plus do the lunches for 3 days and the school runs. Not easy thinking of what to have to eat especially when your daughter eats lettuce like it’s a delicacy yet your son eats peas like they are tablets.
Best thing to do is try to plan as best you can.
Sometimes it’s easy to just whack a few jacket spuds in and then vary the toppings. I do this sometimes and with a salad or baked beans or something. Generally I prefer spicy food but not everyone does.
My missus doesn't really cook. So usually it's my cooking, takeaways, or eating out and I'm not keen on relying on takeways and eating out. Expensive and not really healthy.
Anyway, nothing exciting tonight but I will cook steak on Friday. I'm finishing work early then so I can make an effort with it. If it wasn't for my cooking abilities we would starve. When my Wife arrives home, she doesn't greet me, nor ask how I am, but 'What's for Dinner?'
Does this happen to you? No matter if it's her favourite meal, nor if the meal contains the finest ingredients, she doesn't eat it all. Specifically, she'll effectively dissect the meal's contents as she eats: leaving a neat pile on the side of her plate (and there's nothing wrong with any of it).
Even if she was to visit the finest restaurant, with the World's finest Chef, using the best ingredients, she would still dissect whatever was placed in front of her (!).
I'm convinced that if it was at all possible she would similarly dissect Cream of Tomato Soup. I feel your pain.
Mine won eat red grapes. Only white. Glad it isn't just me hahaha.
Mine lives on rice, anything with rice.kills me. https://www.avforums.com/attachments/be86262b-91f8-4fa7-ba9b-e03c1041be1c-jpeg.984137/ Tonight, tortilla chips, covered in these, heated on a saucepan:
https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/297597777?sc_cmp=ppc*GHS - Grocery - New*PX | Shopping GSC | Top Offers*PRODUCT GROUP297597777*&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5t7UBRDaARIsAOreQthtfn9BetAKMNyeEbwhcvkiP2LWVGFQHBtByfGGsEyYAlHuz2XjHR8aAqShEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Then add this,
and stick in microwave till cheese melts.
Then add jalapenos etc.