Work says,surgeon says
Sorry if this is in the wrong forumFirstly I've just had a hip replacement just short of 8 weeks ago.
I had an occupational health appointment a week ago (6 weeks post op) and she says im ok to return to work phased return, which I disagreed with.
1 week later HR called me in and said I'd agreed to the phased return work (which I'd never) I said I wasn't happy until I'd had a review with my surgeon which was estimated at 6-12 weeks post op. Bit hadnt had a letter yet.
I was asked to chase up an appointment even though it was only less than 8 weeks, so I did
Had an appointment today (7,5 weeks post op) with my surgeon and he says deffinatley no way return to work and has given me another 6 week sick note.
I'm really anxious now about telling HR that the surgeon says no when OH says yes
I've read loads that OH can overrule a gp sick note but dont kow where i stand with a surgeons note.
I had the other hip done last year and was off for 20 weeks no questions asked
Just do t know where I stand (apart from wobbly )
Cherrs Just give the letter from your Surgeon to HR/OH - They won't over rule a professional surgeons opinion. I think your worrying about nothing. Typical of the 'employer knows better' attitude that has been allowed to permeate through society.
These days, if you'd had your head decapitated most employers would expect you back in work after a week. I would suggest getting some paid advice.