piston broke Publish time 26-11-2019 05:13:54

Struggling with energy this week, any ideas?

Hi guys
Late forties but with a relatively active job andusually do calisthenics (chins/push/squats/bridges/handstands etc)three to four times a week but this past week to ten days been struggling with energy (and probably motivation).
I've still been doing a little exercise most days but it's quite tough....
Diet I think is fine and hasn't really changed for ages.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:13:55

sometimes it happens - maybe you need to 'deload' for a week and let yourself recover?

piston broke Publish time 26-11-2019 05:13:56

Ta, think that might be just the ticket

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:13:57

yeah, happens to me from time to time... but I sometimes take a couple of caffeine tablets (especially when I've got my kettlebell class) which works out at 400mg... tho, 300mg is supposed to be the ideal amount for my weight (95kg), but the tablets are 200mg so just double up 

piston broke Publish time 26-11-2019 05:13:58

Caffeine tablets, that takes me back...we used to load up on those before going mountain biking but don't think my heart would take it anymore. The best I can do now is a mug of hot lava java

IL Cattivo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:13:59

I was unwell with a bout of food poising about 3 weeks ago.. From January this year right up until that point I was exercising 3-4 times a week. Since then … Nothing..! My son is already commenting that my muscles are shrinking, due to the lack of stimulation to them.

It funny how when you've taken a long break from something you've been doing almost religiously for the past 8 months, finding that motivation to get back doing it again is quite the challenge!!

Hoping to get back on it from Tuesday when my boy starts back at school. See what the mind does next week...

piston broke Publish time 26-11-2019 05:14:00

Good luck! I'm sure you will be fine when you get going again.
I'm planning on starting slow next week with some basic 'fun' stuff - I quite enjoy headstands, handstands and frog/crow stands for some weird reason
Bridges are my kryptonite

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:14:01

When I'm feeling like that (more often than I'd like) then I chose a couple of movements (eg a press and a squat) that is quite easy to perform and I concentrate on the technique and on squeezing my muscles as hard as possible during the movement. I mean I squeeze REALLY hard, as hard as possible. Couple of sets like that and I'm either motivated to do more or if I'm not then I can rest with the comfort of aching muscles and a short workout performed hard.
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