Cardiac CT Scan
So I'm due to have one on the 29th of this month involving having the dye pumped around.Anyone on here had one? Just wondered what I can expect as to be honest I really ain't looking forward to;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 i had one for a crohns disease diagnosis, i thought i'd pissed myself feels weird as fck lmao
nothing to worry about I’m not 100% sure we are talking about the same thing. That’s exactly the effect of the normal increased contrast CT scan. You also get a strange taste in the mouth and hot all over. The actual room is very cool, so I came out shivering and it lasted for some minutes.
There is a chance they have a different plan for you, but this is the standard one. I’ve had one where they just locally introduced dye to inspect a joint and that had none of the strange effects.