Seasalt is all I use and love it, both in cooking and on food.
Never did him any harm and he lived to a ripe old age of 49.
49 Was not true  it's rare that I'll put salt on my food at the table, the exception is chips, and maybe a roast dinner (if made by myself)...we'll add a bit of salt when cooking food tho...
but I think I mentioned in another food post a while back - we had an indian takeaway the other month, it was spicy, but the strongest taste was the salt for me  I salt eggs of any kind
Meat before/after cooking
Water for boiling spuds, pasta and rice
Touch on my chips if I'm not doing cheesy chips I'd add table salt to water if cooking potatoes, rice, etc. Sea salt for other things that I may get a burst of texture or flavour. Salad dressing for instance. I don't use a lot of salt and don't eat a lot in the way of pre processed foods, so don't really worry about salt in my diet. For me salt is essential unless eating processed crap which I very rarely do. I never add or offer salt at the table when cooking for others (and never been asked) but I use it when cooking, taste constantly. Seasoning correctly is the secret. You can most definitely get it wrong though, I do it frequently!!