I’ve just read an article in the news concerning pushups and health, quote -The Harvard study says that demonstrating to your doctor how many push-ups you're capable of could even be a more accurate indication of heart disease and strokes than the treadmill tests traditionally used.
Then I found this https://www.avforums.com/attachments/3e256171-b31f-41bd-93a9-26791d54a05b-jpeg.1121879/
Sooooooo, i had a go. I’m 60yrs old never done a push-up for years and only managed only 10 before my arms nearly seized up . I’m sure I could improve on that feeble effort if I did a daily routine though. Yes you could improve on that. I don't know about heart health, but I do know that push ups are the king of pushing exercises. Scalable from the absolute beginner to the elite expert.
Push ups and pull ups in all their variations are my favourite movements. yeah, I do them as a finisher on my push day (Wednesday tho, commonly do them in kettlebell class of a Monday) and I do sets - 10x10 pushups, supersetted 10x5 bar dips, and 10x5 kettlebell press @ 20kg... and just started doing this 3 weeks as I felt as tho doing 100 burpees was straining my lower back (or at least not helping it when I strained it before xmas) - and I managed 97 press-ups the first week, then 98, and 99 last week... must 100 on wed night!
I'm 49 in May..  did 32 there, *puff pant *
i try and do them once a week as part of a core routine
i'd do x10 then x20 and do that 3 times over the routine
they are a good exercise, simple and raw Is that continuous good form press ups or do you stop/ start till you can't physically do any more? Its very impressive. 90 seconds rest between sets with it being a finisher..  as I'm totally done in, but want to get the numbers
once I get the numbers to where I want them, then I'll reduce the amount of rest...
when I was doing the burpees I was doing 1 minutes rest rising to 90 seconds from set ~6-7 onwards.. 30 a day now , it just shows what happens to your body when you stop using certain muscles and how you can turn it around.
That’s 30 without stopping not 3 an hour over 10hrs .