Publish time 26-11-2019 05:11:00
I don't have space for a road bike in my office.
I have a bike for road riding - it lives in the shed with the lawnmower, BBQ and patio furniture.
There is no room in there for anything at all certainly not me and a turbo.
As I mentioned in earlier posts - I'm not looking to do hardcore training, I'm looking at doing some low intensity exercise during the day when my work schedule means I have a few minutes rather than sitting on my backside reading forums.The equivalent of 10,000 steps a day not a stage of the Tour.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:11:00
I feel your pain  Do you want me to add the above to the title?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:11:00
I’m going to change it to “what kind of turbo trainer and road bike should I buy?” That should work 
I’m getting no one knows the answer to my question so I’ll have to take a punt on what I think might work.
Pity there don’t seem to be many (any?) places with bikes set up to try.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:11:00
Have you considered a road bike?
Sorry, had to get that out of the way. I wouldn’t buy ex-gym bikes due to the rust and other problems.
I expect cheaper exercise machines will be much of a muchness. I have a Wattbike, but they are expensive and unnecessary for your purpose.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:11:00
Yikes £2k! Yes that’s more than I’m wanting to spend  I hope it’s worth it to you.
£200 seems like a fair price for a used bike assuming it had wheels and brakes so didn’t seem outrageous for a used gym bike.
However £200 for a new bike with wheels and brakes is right at the bottom of what I’d consider sensible and I would expect it to be a bit agricultural.
That was my logic.
My worry is that gyms might keep their bikes until they’re ruined and buying a gym bike would be like buying an old post office van.
I might have to go and have a look and make my mind up. They looked ok on the website but that’s not the same as being good.
Thanks for the helpful post 