Energy drink for workout
Hey all.I am looking to get rid of my beer belly, and start working out for the first time.
I am obviously not going to have a lot of energy so would like a little boost.
I am calorie counting so it cannot have added sugar.
I also do not want to start shaking because of too much caffeine.
Must taste nice, and about £15.00 per 30 servings. I do not want those gels, as I want to drink water as I workout.
Any Ideas, I need to buy it on amazon as I have tons of vouchers,
Thanks all You body has all the energy it needs. If you are trying to kose weight why add extremely calories? If you really, really need a boost have an espresso. The drinks I am looking at, whether its powder or tablets are calorie free, like high5
It has magnesium and electrolytes.
Just unsure which tastes best. Stick to water mate. It’s the best thing for workouts and losing weight. Don’t believe all the marketing hype on these energy drinks.
After 3-4 sessions your energy levels will feel better as will your scales and wallet. I know you said you want to avoid caffeine but a little black coffee will give you a lift without anything unpleasant going on.
It only gets a bit buzzy if you start doubling up on the double espressos Just stick with water and sip it throughout and after training. Your body will sort out it's own electrolyte imbalances and you should be getting the water in anyway so stick with that. Thanks all.
Guess, banana, coffee before workout, and water.
A lot cheaper than the drinks.
Whats your thoughts on exercise, should I drink anything after like protein to help my muscles, or just let everything occur naturally?
Down from 185lbs to 170lbs in 6 weeks by just eating chicken breast and salad. Its been hard to stop drinking, no chocolate and nice greasy burgers ha ha
I know its going to be a hard road, wrong side of 40 and a beer belly when your skinny, its going to take a while to get it down As long as your protein consumption is adequate then it doesn't really matter when you consume it. The simple option is to get at least 25g per meal. After running marathons etc, I've found the one thing I wanted was this:
Fizzy drinks upset stomachs. It's full of nutrients and vitamins and it's not fizzy. @canada16 forget about proteinnshakes, bcaa, amino acids etc etc not needed unless you are a very high level athlete or body builder and even then I don't really believe in it.
All the information out there about these things originated from the companies employed to market and advertise the products. Plus, anything that isn't a whole naturally grown thing and still taste good most likely has fats, sugars and sweeteners added to it to make it taste nice or palatable.
You don't even really need to go for healthy foods, just cut out the obvious bad stuff.
So what is your plan for exercises then? Do you want to only get rid of the belly? Be more active? Play a sport, build muscle? Improve fitness? Increase strength?
Start by doing an activity you enjoy. If you hate weight lifting, don't choose that as you won't want to do it, won't put the effort in and went be consistent.
I'm in my 40s and LOVE working till exhaustion. However the recovery is so long now that I can't train consistently like that. Also weight training gave me a monstrous unstoppable appetite and I ended up getting fatter.
Now I only do bodyweight training and I'm stronger than ever, it's not as exhaustive so I can recover quicker and do it more and it's a lot more fun!