HELP - Running Pace App - Does such a thing exist - Running Advice
backgroundUp until my late 30s I had NEVER exercised.Then, thanks to many on here, I took up cycling about 6 months before I turned 40 and set myself a goal to be able to cycle 40 miles by my 40th
I did it four days before, then, on my 40th birthday itself i came off.There but for grave if god, my helmet and the chap in van behind me being good on the brakes I lived.Coming away with a clavicle than was smashed in a dozen or so places.So, since then, I’ve not really had courage to get in bike
I’m 43 in may and have tried to exercise by running.However I think I push myself too much and get disheartened.
Attached are my details from 5 miles I ran in November and 3 miles I did today (somehow I split it in two. Sorry)
My best time for 5k is about 40 minutes about 2 years ago
Anyway I think my issue is I run too fast in bursts and bugger myself up leaving me to walk / even stop
So, back to the point, does an app exist for the iPhone, where I can set a time (say 45 minutes) then, as I run, a voice will tell me, over my music, to slow down / speed up / stay as am ?
I’m sure something does exist, just can’t find it
Any other advice be welcome, but please don’t suggest park run / running with friend / group
I know would likely help but I’m just far too self conscious.And know shouldn’t be but for now I am
For info, I’m around 5ft9 and 14 stone Check out Runtastic, great app where I believe you cab set the pace and get audio warnings about speeding up or slowing down.
Also I found that a comfortable pace is one you could hold a conversation at (although a bit breathy!). Thank you
Sounds just what need
Will hunt it out Downloaded but can seem to set it to do what I’m after
I can get the voice coach working but that only seems to give you a pointer at the 1km mark.
What I’m after is something that pretty much constantly reminds me or reminds me as when going too fast / too slow.
I don’t mind paying for the app but don’t want anything that’s subscription based I'm pretty sure the Nike running app used to do this (although in a rather annoying american accent)
As an alternative - have you tried a treadmill as you can set the pace to whatever you want.
Or, if getting back on the bike does appeal to you - have you considered a turbo trainer and racing online? It's an initial outlay, but Garmins have a virtual runner feature. Enter the pace you want to run at and off you go. Exceed or drop below the pace you've set and the watch will beep and vibrate.
It's a feature on the FR35, and the watch also had a decent amount of other features - optical heart rate monitor (so you set your HR zones - useful for ensuring you're running in your fat burning zone), daily step counter, can be used for recording walks / cycling / other activities, and works as a smart watch with your phone (lets you know when you've got calls / texts / emails etc). It syncs with your phone, and the data in garmin connect will track your progress as you get fitter. Cheers.That sounds exactly what after but having iPhone / Apple Watch I was wanting to get the features as an app
But that pace thing is just what im after. Bit of playing around, but you could use Zwift app for running on your apple watch, then create custom workouts, such as 20 mins at 10 min / mile pace?
How To: Create Running Workouts in Zwift Wow
I’d of thought it would of been fairly simple app
I type in how far I want to go
I type in my target time
App monitors how fast I’m going and yells at me to slow down / speed up as required 
Maybe Runkeeper's worth a look?
The best Apple Watch running apps tested
'Before you set out you can set a target pace and a maximum heart rate but that's all."