Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:13
In its simplest form, not accounting for any actual medical issues, calories in < calories out is all you need to lose weight. CICO Will get 90% of people 80/90% of their way to their weight lose goal. Macros are largely irrelevant when it comes to straight weight lose. If you eat mac Donald’s every day for a month but stick to a calorie deficit then you will lose weight, will it be a healthy diet? No. Conversely if you eat 3000 calories worth of salad every day for a month will you gain weight? Yes, because your calorie intake is far in excess of your calorie output, the fact it’s ‘healthy’ salad is irrelevant. From my own personal experience weight and log everything, it will open you eyes as to how many calories some foods contain by volume (I’m looking at you nuts),
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:14
You can’t spot reduce fat, anyone who tells you different is lying. We are ALL genetically predisposed to put on and take off fat differently and from different areas, although stomach fat is always the most difficult because it also builds up around your internal organs (visceral fat)
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:15
I was doing sit ups every day but found that using a ab roller and jumping rope has been more effective
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:16
In the 70's professional body builders did believe spot reduction training existed and trained for it,but this theory has been completely debunked long ago, and the abs as stated the lower ones especially for men is the last place that hangs on to fat and it would seem the first place it goes to also.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:17
Yeah, there’s a lot of myths still hanging around from the 70’s & 80’s
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:18
I always thought that you eat less calories than you need each day then you will lose weight?
As the op I often eat less than 1000 calories per day in food and seem to lose weight.
I am not hungry this is just what I tend to eat so like a chicken breast and a banana for lunch and some soup and bread for tea - keeps me full I don't need more food
I also go to the gym 3-4 times per week
I have lost half a stone since February, it is all very confusing - I should be eating more food / calories to lose weight?
This seems wrong?
You guys are saying my body is in starvation mode - nonsense
Am calling bs here I will keep doing what I am doing.
Not sure I would take advice on this sort of thing on a av forum where it is random members opinions etc...
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:19
Thank God I'm not in my own bubble lol
Yesterday after reading all these comments I did alot of thinking & felt like I was unconsciously starving myself so had a Bbq pulled pork meal
Like you tho I do not feel like I have been starving myself I just haven't felt the need to eat alot like today I had 2 sausages on a bread roll for breakfast and for dinner a veggie spiced bean burger with spicy wedges for dinner and nothing since
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:20
I am totally confused by it all, i think I eat pretty healthily so will carry on with what I am doing.
Pretty much vegetarian now - bought some burgers for my tea tonight but couldn't stomach them no bad thing I think?
I walk three miles every lunch time and get 3-4 gym sessions in per week where I totally push myself - still over weight maybe it is the beers I do on the weekend 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:21
At the end of the day - you do what you want/believe in. Your choice.
I ain't no medical expert but I do know a fair bit of knowledge about diet, food intake, etc. I lost 5 stone over 18 months by simply reducing my intake to about 1800 kcals a day, cutting out sugar and alcohol. Lost 1 or 2lbs a week at most. Long term sustainable change. Short term "diets" or "fads" don't last and people put the weight back on. Look longer term.
Worth tracking your food with myfitness pal etc - gives you a very good idea of what your eating etc.
I eat 3000/3500 calories a day now and stay the same weight (i'm not trying to loose weight - happy as I am) - but I train hard 5-6 times a week, so my body needs that amount of food to cope with it.
I couldn't function on 800/1000 calories a day, let alone go to the gym etc.
No one is saying it's right or wrong to eating as little as 800/1000 calories a day but it's a fact that your body adapts to the small amount of food your eating and will do everything to hang on to the tiny amount your putting into it, thus your body won't shed weight as it's trying to store anything you put in it. Can you sustain 800 kcals for a month, a year??
I can't imagine that over 3-6 months or longer that that tiny amount of fuel for your body is good for your long term health.
But as I say - you do what you wish to do. No one is telling you otherwise.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:09:22
Really?wow I cannot imagine where or how I would eat that amount of calories in a day.
Yes I can, I cannot remember the last time in the last few years I have eaten say over 1300 calories a day,
My health is just fine, I eat loads of vegetables and fruit - before I go to the gym I eat a protein bar or some chicken etc for fuel.
Yet I am still overweight I have lost 2 stone in the last year or so and could do with dropping another 1 which is gradually happening.My issue is with drinking beers on the weekends.....